Closing Ceremony for InteRDom Students

August 3, 2007

The Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD), together with its
sister organization in the Dominican Republic Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), will host the InteRDom Closing Ceremony August 9, 2007. The event will see an end to the academic study and internship summer program which has given international students the opportunity to intern with leading organizations in the Dominican Republic. Several students who have carryied-out projects during their time in the country will present the findings of their
research at the ceremony.


Over the course of twelve weeks, InteRDom program participants have carried out internships in the fields of: education, environmental studies, migration, international development, disaster management, remittances, gender issues and HIV/AIDs prevention.

Participating organizations this summer have included: The Center for Export and
Investment for the Dominican Republic (
CEI-RD), the National Judiciary School (ENJ), the American Chamber of Commerce for the Dominican Republic (AMCHAM), the United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), the Dominican newspaper Clave Digital, World Vision, the Pan-American Development Foundation (PADF) and the Program for the Preparation and Prevention of Disasters (part of the United Nations Development Program),  Alianza N.G.O.
Centro León.