Commemorating the Work of CoNGO, the UDHR and the Rights of Migrants with Music
October 5, 2018
In celebration of the 70th anniversaries of the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) a musical performance was held at the Salvation Army Auditorium in New York City.
Dedicated to the rights of migrants and refugees, the concert’s headlined group was the Carr-Petrova Duo and featured seven pieces of violin and piano
The musical duo of violinist Molly Carr and pianist Anna Petrova spoke at length about their Novel Voices project- an initiative which uses music and film to bring comfort, connection and empowerment to refugees around the world. A video of the performers special visit to the Jelling Refugee Center in Denmark was shown to highlight the initiative.
A number of special guests, including the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development’s (GFDD) New York office Director and CoNGO Secretary, Yamile Eusebio, were in attendance.
Liberato Bautista, CoNGO President for the term 2018 to 2021, made a special announcement during the ceremony. The CoNGO President
emphasized the positive work of the Novel Voices project, stating that it “was designed to give voice and visibility through music and film, to the lives and struggles of both local and international migrant and refugee communities, and to encourage audiences and artists alike to become connected and involved.”
Bautista also mentioned that in the next year Carr and Petrova would be carrying out performances and workshops with
composer Fernando Arroyo Lascurain and filmmaker/photographer Victoria Stevens at refugee centers and programs in the United States, Bulgaria, Denmark and the Middle East.
At the end of the event President Bautista invited 1st Vice President of CoNGO Cyril Ritchie and Eusebio to the stage to present a bouquet of flowers to the Carr-Petrova Duo.
The celebration was made possible thanks to the support and collaboration of the Church World Service, the
Internationa Planned Parenthood Federation-South Asia Region, NGO Committee on Human Rights (NY), Dianova International, NGO Committee on Migration, Ordo Supremus Templi Hierosolymitani (Knights Templar), Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women’s Association International, Universala Esperanto Asocio, Union of International Organizations, United Nations Association of the USA, Weon Buddhism-UN and Interfaith Office and the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development
(GFDD). Individual donors to the concert included Maria Pia Belloni, Alice Buedden, Ron Burkert, Helen O’Reagan, Constance Sobon Sensor, Alexis Strongin, and Elaine Wing.
GFDD, represented by its New York Director Yamile Eusebio, has been a CoNGO Board member since 2015, when it became the organization’s Secretary. GFDD was reelected to that position in March, 2018 for the 2018-2021 term.
Prior to the musical performance, the CoNGO Board of Directors gathered for a three-day-long work and programming meeting from October 1 to October 3. The Board of Directors is made up of 18 institutions elected during the CoNGO General Assembly held this past March in Geneva, Switzerland.
About CoNGO
The Conference of NGOs (CoNGO) vision is to be the primary support and platform for a civil society represented by a global community
of informed, empowered and committed NGOs that fully participate with the UN in decision-making and programs leading to a better world, a world of economic and social justice. Their mission is to facilitate through various means the development of a dynamic and informed world-wide NGO community able to influence policies and actions at all levels of the United Nations.
For more information on CoNGO please visit