Director of General Assembly and Economic and Social Council Affairs Division Confirms Participation in next GFDD Global Roundtable
February 20, 2013
On Monday, March 4, to discuss the work done by the General Assembly and ECOSOC Division, its role as one of the “wheels” to make the meetings move in the right direction, GFDD and FUNGLODE will have the pleasure to host Ion Botnaru, the Director of the Division and who interestingly also served as former Permanent Representative of the Republic of Moldova to the UN.
Meetings large and small take place daily at the United Nations. That
is where the work of delegates of Member States is done, where problems are raised and solutions proposed. To secure intergovernmental negotiation to proceed smoothly, the UN created a framework for those meetings with the General Assembly and ECOSOC Affairs Division acting as its conference management and technical support unit.
The General Assembly and ECOSOC Affairs Division is the “conference management brain trust” of the Secretariat, or in other
words, its institutional memory on the rules of procedure and best practices. The major responsibility of the Division is the exercise of conference management responsibilities and the provision of technical services for ECOSOC and its Commissions. Based on a thorough knowledge of parliamentary procedure and the experience of past practice, the staff of the Division offers expert advice to all involved to ensure that each meeting runs effectively and reaches a successful
Director Ion Botnaru will take us on a behind the scenes look of how this Divison in the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management functions, how it has been implementing initiatives and efficiencies, and talk to the encouraging developments in NGO and the UN relations and their contributions to positive change in the UN post 2015 Development Agenda.
About the Global Roundtable:
In close association with the United Nations, the Mission of the Dominican Republic to the UN, GFDD organizes regular meetings with UN Ambassadors and other prominent figures in the international community in an effort to spread the news, knowledge and understanding of other countries, global issues and work of different United Nations bodies to its audience in the Dominican Republic, the US and around the world.
The monthly series, GFDD Global Roundtable is also a part
of GFDD’s program to support the work of the United Nations and, as a non-governmental institution affiliated to it, contribute to the visibility and understanding of its work.
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