DR-CAFTA and the Environment: Challenges and Opportunities Conference

October 5, 2006

A sizeable and engaged audience followed the one-day discussion regarding the challenges and opportunities that the enforcement of DR-CAFTA will bring to the signatory countries.

The program was divided en two big sections. In the morning we had an overview of the situation in all Central American Countries, the Dominican Republic and Mercosur presented by the Ministries of
Trade and Industry’s
Points of Contact. Every country representative followed with extreme interest the developments in other countries.  This session closed with the contribution of William G. Kaschak, from IRG, a USAID contractor working in the Dominican Republic on environmental programs. The afternoon brought the perspectives of
NGOs and international organizations. Sofia Plagakis, from the Center for International Environmental Law, approched the innovative aspect of DR-CAFTA which includes a mechanism for civil society participation. Claudia de Windt provided the viewpoint and role of international organizations like to Organization of American States; and Catterine Catafesta, from IRG,
gave the development perspective.

All the participants expressed their satisfaction for the program and appreciated the chance to share face time and experiences between trade and industry representatives and environment specialists, giving the divers players the opportunity to hear of previous experiences, future plans and share potential strategies. The sessions were moderated by David Arias, CIEMADeS-DR Chapter coordinator and Omar Ramirez, from the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

This seminar is the second activity of this year under the  DR Chapter of CIEMADeS (International Center for the Study of the Environment,) an initiative of FUNGLODE/GFDD in association with the University of Turabo in Puerto Rico and Quisqueya University in Haiti, to track the developments and propose solutions to
the threats affecting the environment in the Caribbean Basin. The first program was dedicated to climate change and the next one will discuss water quality and management.

CIEMADeS will be celebrating its second annual conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 3-5, 2006 around “Interdisciplinary Approaches Toward Sustainable Development.”