GFDD and FUNGLODE to Host Presentation on Innovation and Business Competitiveness during Semana Dominicana
May 2, 2014
On May 9, 2014 GFDD and FUNGLODE will partner with New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and the American Chamber of Commerce DR (AMCHAMDR), on a presentation and exchange titled "Collaborative Innovation and its Impact on Business" held in honor of Dominican Week (Semana Dominicana) in the United States.
The presentation, in which NJIT Professors will address the fundamental aspects of
business competitiveness, will be given to high level delegation of Dominican corporate leaders, professionals, as well as academics from ITLA (Instituto Tecnológico de las Américas). After the presentation, participants will have an opportunity to conduct an exchange of views with NJIT about their experiences and best practices in the field of innovation and its relationship with the development of businesses. This event has been organized to assist the
University to generate ideas, and promote innovative products and services that could have an impact in the development of companies.
The panel will be held on May 9, 2014 @ 10:30am – 12:30pm in Room 112 Eberhardt NJIT, 154 Summit Street, Newark, NJ 07102.
Following the presentation, and reception, the high level Dominican delegation will be given a tour of some of the premiere business facilities available at the
For more information;
About the American Chamber of Commerce DR (AMCHAMDR)
AmChamDR is a not-for-profit organization made up of around 2,500 companies, both Dominican and American, that seeks to empower its members to develop their potential to the maximum based on three pillars –
economic, professional, and social – through the facilitation of access to knowledge, opportunities, a culture of best practices, respect for the rule of law, and corporate social responsibility.
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