GFDD and Funglode to Launch Sustainable Tourism Publication in Washington DC
August 15, 2016
The Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and its sister organization Fundación Global Democracia y Desarollo (Funglode) will host a panel discussion on the importance of sustainable tourism for the development of the Dominican Republic, as part of the official launch of the GFDD/Funglode publication entitled “Challenges for Sustainable Growth through Tourism in the Dominican Republic” by GFDD Fellow, Ms. Emma Fawcett. In addition to the
author, several policy experts the from the NGO community and the Dominican board of tourism will also be present to contribute to the discussion.
When: August 31, 2016
Where: Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, 1629 K St. NW Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20006
Time: TBC
About Emma Fawcett
Emma Fawcett conducted her in-country field
research through the Fellows Program in September of 2014. Her findings will be published in a book for the Research and Ideas Series produced by GFDD/FUNGLODE.
She holds a BA from Rutgers University in political science and Spanish, an MS from The New School in nonprofit management and global policy, and is currently a doctoral candidate in international relations at the School of International Service, American University. Previously, she assisted with a World
Bank-funded value chain analysis of the Haitian apparel industry. Her graduate thesis focused on economic development strategies for fisher folk in the commune of Marigot in Haiti’s Southeast department. She has also researched the impact of teacher union mobilizations on education reform in Oaxaca, Mexico. Prior to beginning doctoral studies, she worked in human resources in the private sector, as both a generalist and a recruiter.
About the Fellows
The Fellows Program, an extension of the internship and academic exchange program InteRDom, was developed in 2009 to respond to the desire of GFDD and Funglode to develop a community of scholars that contributes to the Foundations’ growing body of research on matters of international concern that directly impact the Dominican Republic. The Program complements the overall mission of GFDD and Funglode to promote academic exchange, generate scholarship,
and influence the creation of public policy related to economic and social development both at the national and international levels.
Through the Fellows Program, GFDD and Funglode seek to generate scholarship on issues at the forefront of the United Nations’ agenda in order to give voice to national and regional concerns and offer viable solutions to domestic and international challenges.
For more information:
Marc Jourdan
Tel: 212.751.5000