GFDD Co-Partners with Local Organizations to Discuss the Issue of “Communities, Local Leaderships and Climate Actions”
June 3, 2019
New York, NY – The Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) partnered with the non-government organization “Committee on Sustainable Development” in a meeting to discuss ” Communities,Local Leadership and Climate Action.” The meeting took place on Thursday, May 30, at the Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission Auditorium.
Ms. Margo LaZaro, President and Chair of the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development NY delivered opening remarks and headed the event. Ms. Andrise Bass, Vice Chair of the CSD-NY presented an overview of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goal, Youth Leadership for Climate Action and Community Projects for Advocacy.
In her opening remarks, Ms. LaZaro thanked the support received by the GFDD and briefly introduced the rest of the participants in the event, which included:
Mr. Dan Shepard, Information Officer at the UN, who announced upcoming projects with the UN Secretary General on Climate Action. The goal of this initiative is to involve countries interested in implementing sound climate actions.
Also, Mr. Vinicius Pinheiro, Special Representative to the UN and Director of the International Labor Organization Office for the United Nations, who focused on employment and social protection, labor markets, social transition and the design of innovative policies that will facilitate the transfer of technology for development from country to country.
Other participants included Hawa Taylor-Kamara Diallo, Civil Society Unit Chief; Ms. Christine Clarke, candidate for the 26th District/NJ State Assembly; Ms. Tara DePorte, Executive Director and Founder of the Human Impacts Institute; Trisha Sheehan, National Field Manager with the Moms Clean Air Force; Ms. Collete Denali, Librarian at City University of New York’s Guttman Library, among others.
All participants shared their particular projects and initiatives with the goal of raising awareness on the importance of focusing on Climate Action solutions and community involvement actions, such as: Clean Air Force 7, Youth Climate Movement, and Global Activism in Support of Climate Action.
Before the event concluded, Ms. LaZaro invited the audience to become members of the CSD-NY organization and encouraged all to attend the 68th UN Civil Society Conference on “Building Inclusive and Sustainable Cities and Communities,” to be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, next August 26-28.