GFDD Showcases Dominican Culture at XII Lawrence International Book Fair

October 23, 2017

To bring awareness about its work across the United States, Global Foundation for Democracy & Development (GFDD) participated in the XII Lawrence International Book Fair, held at Northern Essex Community College from October 20th to 22nd.

The fair was dedicated this year to Colombia, a country with rich and storied literary traditions. Noting the importance of the event, Fair Director Joel Almonó stated in his opening words that “Only
culture, more than any other link, can lead nations to peace, development, and understanding.”

GFDD is certainly no stranger to the facilitation of cultural relations between the Dominican Republic and other countries. From bringing awareness of the natural beauty, history, and people of the Dominican Republic via New Perspectives: Dominican Republic to systemically cataloguing the tastes, sounds, and spirit of the Dominican national identity in All Things Dominican, GFDD has long made it its mission to bring awareness to the outside world of Dominican culture and customs. These publications and others were displayed to the fair goers, who took advantage of the opportunity to learn more about the vision and mission of GFDD.

During this year’s fair, a ceremony was held in which Jorge Piña Contreras, noted Dominican poet, psychoanalyst, and creator of the Metapoesía
Meta-poetry) movement, alongside Colombian poet Winston Morales Chavarro were recognized for their recent contributions to literature and the arts. The presentation was attended by hundreds of festival goers, primarily from the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Guatemala, and Colombia.

Jorge Piña Contreras is the creator of a poetic movement termed Metapoesía (Meta-poetry) and the Dominican Psychoanalytic Movement. He works as a teacher, writer,
and poet, and currently resides in New York. Winston Morales Chavarro, Doctor of Literature, is a storyteller who has received almost every literary award in Colombia, including the National Story Prize awarded by the University of Cartagena.

About Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD)
The Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD), sister organization of FUNGLODE in the United States is a non-partisan and
non-profit organization dedicated to promote the collaboration among organizations in the United States and the Dominican Republic in order to conduct research, enhance public debate, design public policy, propose strategies and provide training to facilitate change in crucial areas of the social, economic and democratic development of the Dominican Republic, the Caribbean and Latin America.

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