GFDD to Partner with UNA-USA Council of Organizations to Launch Study on Civil Society and Development On October 5th 2016 at the Church Center of the UN
September 2, 2016
The Global Foundation for Democracy and Development in partnership with the United Nations Association of America (UNA-USA) Council of Organizations (COO), the Southern NY State Division of UNA-USA and the League of Women Voters will host a forum in conjunction with the release of a new study on Civil Society and Development, to be held at 2 PM on October 5, 2016 on the second floor of the Church Center of the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza (at 44th Street, between
First and Second Avenues), New York, NY 10017.
The new study by Vinay Bhargava and colleagues at the Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) summarizes major trends reflecting the growing importance of civil society organizations(CSOs) in international development. The event will give particular attention to how civil society organizations can help implement and monitor governance improvement actions in the United Naitons Agenda 2030 for Sustainable
Development (Agenda 2030), especially under SDG 16, at the national and sub-national levels.
Finally, it will cover key lessons from PTF’s experience and challenges that CSOs are likely to face in engaging with national governments during implementation and monitoring of governance reforms under Agenda 2030, as well as ideas for helping CSOs address the challenges.
PTF and COO welcome co-sponsors and/or discussants from the COO membership and
the NGO/CSO community.
When: Wednesday October 5, 2016
Where: UN Church Center, 777 United Nations Plaza (at 44th Street, between First and Second Avenues), New York, NY 10017.
For more information:
Marc Jourdan
Tel: 212.751.5000
About the United Nations Association of the United States
UNA-USA is a membership organization dedicated to educate the American people about the United Nations. For 70 years UNA-USA has worked to accomplish its mission of informing, inspiring and mobilizing Americans to support the principles and vital work of the UN, strengthening the UN system, promoting constructive US leadership in that system and achieving the goals of the UN Charter. Forming a strategic alliance with the UN Foundation in 2010, UNA-USA
continues to pool talents to increase public education and advocacy on the work of the UN.
About the UNA USA Council of Organizations (COO)
The COO is a coalition of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and local groups of organizations with interests in education, social justice, labor, sustainable development, energy and climate, millennium development goals, human rights, health and women’s issues that all share the common goals
of making the American public more knowledgeable about global issues and strengthening the U.S. – UN relationship.