InteRDom announces the 6th edition of its Internship Certification Program

August 14, 2012

Companies willing to optimize their internship programs may receive training by InterDom at the next "Internship Certification Program" to be offered October 2, 3 and 4 at FUNGLODE Headquarters in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

The internship certification program will take place from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. It is open to professionals from public and private companies and to coordinators of nonprofit institutions, who are interested in
diversifying their human capital with local and international talent.

Completed registration forms may be submitted no later than September 28.

The certification of internship programs is organized by InteRDom, an initiative of Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and its sister organization in the United States, Fundación  Global
Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE). InteRDom facilitates professional exchanges between universities, international students and businesses, while it supports training initiatives that encourage development, diversity and work culture.

Organizations that implement internship programs generate a dynamic instrument for promoting the development of human resources that grow with the company, and minimize the brain drain or loss of qualified personnel. Some other benefits
that internships bring to organizations are:

  1. "New Blood": ideas that emerge with the integration of interns.
  2. Provide an opportunity to assess candidates for future vacancies, which reduces the cost of recruiting and hiring.
  3. Contribute to the organizations’ social responsibility programs.
  4. Promote the development of leadership among the employees by having to supervise the
  5. Low cost – high benefit. If the program is managed efficiently, interns can contribute to the development of important projects that are consistent with the needs of the company and with the professional interests of the students.
  6. Increase diversity within the work teams.
  7. Expand the organizations’ visibility among students and schools, so that they become a desirable place in which to work.

To date more than 40 Dominican organizations have certified their internship programs with InteRDom and 150 international students have collaborated, as interns, with companies and nonprofit institutions in the country. Testimonials of their experiences can be read here.

Companies receive discounts if they register more than one employee. For more information please send
correspondence to Reyna Rodríguez, InteRDom Coordinator of Internships and Corporate Relations, at or call her at phone (809) 685 – 9966 ext. 2541