More than 300 Delegates from Different Regions of the Dominican Republic, Mexico and the United States Participate in the Dominican Model United Nations in New York
April 17, 2017
The twelfth edition of the New York Dominican Republic Model United Nations (NYDRMUN 2017), organized by the United Nations Dominican Association (ANURD, for its acronym in Spanish) and in collaboration with the Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (Funglode) and Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD), was celebrated from April 12 to 18 in New York with the participation of more than 300 delegates from different regions of the Dominican Republic, Mexico
and the United States. NYDRMUN 2017 simulated seven United Nations commissions and specialized organizations, in Spanish, with high school and university students.
The table of honor at the opening ceremony was made up of Emil Chireno, Executive Director of ANURD; Yamile Eusebio, Interim
Co-Executive Director of GFDD; Pilar Sandoval, Executive Director of Globalmuners; Elizabeth Arzeno, Vice President of the Council of Model United Nations Educators, and Ignacio Soriano, Secretary General of NYDRMUN 2017.
APEC University offered a degree scholarship for the winning participants with the Best Delegation award, while the Global Institute of Higher Studies in Social Sciences (IGLOBAL, for its acronym in Spanish) provided a postgraduate scholarship at its
In the closing ceremony ANURD and Globalmuners announced that they would jointly celebrate the New York Model United Nations for Latin America and the Caribbean (NYMUNLAC) next year in New York City.
The next event organized by ANURD in cooperation with Funglode and GFDD will be the International Conference of the Americas (CILA, for its acronym in Spanish) in Bávaro, Dominican Republic.