New Phone App for DREFF 2015 Puts Information at Your Fingertips!
August 28, 2015
GFDD/Funglode are excited to announce the availability of the new app for the upcoming Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF)! With the app, you can access information on film panels, workshops, activities, exhibit listings, and more!
Check the daily schedules to see what films are being screened and where. Browse the Attendees to find out more about your favorite filmmakers and other special guests at the DREFF. Pull open the map to see
screening locations and more of the beautiful country in which the festival takes place.
This application is available in the iPhone App Store and Google Play. Download it today to have all the information for DREFF 2015 right in the palm of your hand!
DREFF app:
Apple (iTunes):
Google Play: /
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