ReCrearte Comes to Santo Domingo’s Galería 360 Mall
June 26, 2017
On June 11th and 25th program coordinator Lucia Marte, on behalf of GFDD/Funglode’s ReCrearte Program held workshops in Santo Domingo’s Galería 360 Mall. At the workshops, children aged 3 to 11 years old learned to recycle both paper and plastic products. All told, over 60 children accompanied by approximately 110 adults participated; learning the value of common waste products, raising awareness for environmental issues, and promoting the protection of
planet Earth and its natural resources.
For five years, the staff of the ReCrearte program has aimed to bring about public awareness of waste usage and management through the creation of art. These workshops, held between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., offered valuable lessons, tips, and tricks to both young children and adults alike.
About ReCrearte:
The ReCrearte program works with the most disadvantaged communities, who receive training in the art of recycling and creating new objects from waste and simultaneously learn to develop an alternative source of income. The program revolves around the “three golden rules” (or 3Rs) for the proper management of solid waste: reduce, reuse, and recycle. The workshops demonstrate and emphasize the idea that recycling
waste and transforming it into art and objects for daily use strengthen individuals and communities alike.
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