Strengthening the Partnership Between DREFF and Cinema Planeta in Mexico
April 25, 2016
Under the motto "Because we can do something", Cinema Planeta, the Mexican International Environmental Film Festival held its eighth edition between April 19 and 24, with 73 films screened and 20,000 attendees.
The Dominican Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) was present during the six days of the event building bonds of collaboration with the festival of Cuernavaca- both festivals are part of the Green Film Network – the Association
that brings together the most important environmental film festivals in the world.
As every year, Cinema Planeta, presented different film sections, one of which devoted specifically to climate change, topic that was reinforced with a series of conferences, including the one dictated by the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, guest of honor of this eighth edition. Similarly, functions in the open air and several exhibitions, as well as social events with the
filmmakers, experts and local authorities were held.
The work with youths continued this year in Salas Ambientales where about thousands of students attended the projections.
DREFF Communications Director, Miryam Lopez San Miguel, who was present at the festival on behalf of the team of the Festival, explained: "it has been very inspiring
visiting and sharing experiences with a festival of this size and with characteristics so similar to ours…we have learned a lot, we have seen very good movies, made new friends and, above all and most importantly we have strengthened our ties of collaboration and mutual support with Cinema Planeta and all its staff.”
In its eighth edition, Cinema Planeta has consolidated as the most important cinematographic, cultural, scientific initiative of the civil
society in Mexico, which promotes the protection of the environment, explain its directors, Eleonora Isunza and Gustavo Ballester.
"Changes are also positive in nature and therefore is essential for us that we can change towards a mindset that will allow us to coexist in harmony with our environment and to enable new generations to work for the benefit of the planet and humanity. How much will change in a thousand years? Only time will tell, however in Cinema
Planeta we hope to be part of that future. Certainly there are many things to celebrate and many tasks to assume and take to completion", ensure Isunza and Ballester.
To view the winning films click here
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