Summer Programs Kick Off in Santo Domingo
June 6, 2014
The 2014 InteRDom Summer Program officially began on May 31, 2014 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, welcoming a diverse group of students hailing from the United States and Argentina.
The students accepted into the program represent a wide variety of interest areas, and will experience an action-packed summer of internships, activities and get-togethers, including a new tour of the Colonial Zone on Trikke scooters and a trip to Rancho Campeche in the
Southern part of the island to learn more from esteemed folklorist Xiomara Fortuna about the music and rich cultural heritage of the Festival of Saint Andrew. Students hail from the following universities: Universidad Empresarial Siglo 21, Córdoba, Argentina; University of Georgia School of Law; University of Louisville; Temple University; Simpson College and INCAE in Costa Rica.
Each student spends their first week preparing for their internships, participating in
an orientation week and settling into their new environment while adjusting to Dominican culture. The InteRDom team carries out several workshops, meetings and events during orientation week that helps students get the most out of their summer experience.
Among the organizations and businesses that will receive international interns through InteRDom this summer are: Major League
Baseball, Consejo Dominicano de Relaciones Internacionales / Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (CDRI), JCP Abogados, ADRA Dominicana, Universal de Seguros and ANURD / Observatorio Dominico-Haitiano.
The 2014 summer interns will also have the opportunity to attend weekly events at FUNGLODE; write journal entries about their experience; and participate in the InteRDom Blog and Correspondent
Program throughout the duration of their program.
InteRDom, an initiative of Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), is the premier internship, research and academic study program in the Dominican Republic. It offers international students the opportunity to research important topics at the forefront of the United Nations agenda, obtain professional experience by interning with Dominican
organizations and businesses related to their fields of study and/or earn academic credits by taking courses and seminars at a local university.