70 Students from Santiago and San Pedro de Macorís Participated in the II Environmental Excursion: Recycling for a Better Planet
April 19, 2015
A group of 70 students from Santiago and San Pedro de Macorís participated in the II Environmental Excursion: Recycling for a Better Planet, organized by GFDD/Funglode and Siempre Más and Fundsazurza foundations. The youths visited Fundsazurza facilities in the capital, Santo Domingo, where they learned about the ReCrearte program and enjoyed the short documentary Garbage or Resource? A Dominican Republic Experience, both initiatives of GFDD/Funglode.
The activity, part of GFDD´s Rdescubre Program, was attended by students of Liceo Hermanos Miguel and Politécnico Femenino Nuestra Señora de Las Mercedes, in the province of Santiago, and the
orphanage Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos of the province San Pedro de Macorís.
Bertha Santana, coordinator of ReCrearte, explained that the program revolves around the "three golden rules" or 3R’s for the proper management of solid waste: reduce, reuse and recycle. "The workshops demonstrate and emphasize the idea that recycling waste and transforming it into art strengthens both individuals and communities," she said.
About the organizers
Siempre Más foundation is a private, nonprofit organization that aims to contribute to the cultural, ecological and human development of young Dominican students through educational projects.
Fundsazurza is a nonprofit organization working in the construction of social integration tools for citizen looking to improve the quality of life and environment of the inhabitants of the Zurza, in the city of Santo
About the documentary
Winner of three international awards -Best Documentary at the Miami Short Film Festival (MSFF), Best Documentary at the Green Lens Environmental Film Festival 2014 and Second Place in the Fan Coral Reef Renaissance Award 2014 Film Festival, the 17-minute film produced by Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (Funglode) is a unique short film of its
kind in the country, that shows how recycling has become an important economic opportunity for Dominicans.
After its successful presentation in 13 international festivals, the documentary Garbage or Resource? A Dominican Republic Experience is now available online for free on the YouTube Channel of Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD).