Symposium on Inter-American Relations in an Era of Unilateralism

October 4, 2004

October 3-5, the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program at the University of South Florida gathered a group of experts and academics in a Symposium on Inter-American Relations in an Era of Unilateralism . The speakers and panelists exchanged research and analysis of globalization, regionalization, and doctrines in the Americas, both from a contemporary as well as a historical

  The Symposium was inaugurated with the speech by Dr. Judy Genshaft, President of the
University of South Florida, followed by the welcoming remarks by Dr. Jorge Nef, Director of the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program.

Natasha Despotovich, Executive Director of the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, read a message from President Leonel Fernández at the opening of the event.
Scholars from Mexico, Cuba, Brazil, Argentina, as well as those from the Monterey Institute of International Studies, in
California; California State Polytechnic University at Pomona, also in California; St. John University, in Minnesota; California State University;

Florida International University, and USF academia had the opportunity to expose and discuss different views and perspectives towards the objectives of promoting a deeper and more precise understanding
of Inter-American relations. During intensive two-day working sessions participants debated on how the forces of globalization alter the basic nature of interactions in the hemisphere. Also, the extents to which emerging doctrines of unilateralism and preemptive action have altered the nature of Inter-American relations. The role of civil society and non-state actors such as international business, non-governmental organizations and other new political movements has been addressed.
Researchers, academics and policy makers evaluated how the above processes are affecting economic, political and cultural processes at the local level.

and the USF share the interest of promoting better understanding of Inter-American relations as well as the objective to promote more dynamic exchange and collaboration in the Americas.